Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So What's Up With Reverend Wright?

I don't know if the Clintons paid Reverend Wright or what, but his antics (and his appearance at a Clinton sponsored event) makes me wonder. I mean, he's been quiet for nearly six weeks and then all of a sudden: Here he is in full performance mode. I am trying so hard to laugh so I won't cry. What does this say? Is Reverend Wright capitalizing on his 15 minutes of fame with no regard to his impact on Senator Obama's candidacy or he he really an "egomaniac?" I'm sorry, but I think he is trying to get paid and is getting paid.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After a New York Kind of Weekend

We often have challenges with our daughter after she spends the alternate weekend with family in New York. (I'll get into the rationale for the arrangement in later posts). Knowing the environment there, I am aware that it is far less structured than that my husband and I have created in Philadelphia. We've (mom taking the lead) read lots of ADHD parenting books, seen child development specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, social workers and just about anybody who I thought could help us help our daughter succeed in school and succeed socially. For girls, it is very important for them to have "girlfriends". Its half the reason why they go to school--or at least from my experience it appears to have a huge impact on their desire to go to school. My husband and I have taken parenting courses and he's been an strong advocate especially when it comes to creating the right school and home environment for our children. It is so important to have a partner where the two of you see eye-to-eye on important matters.

This morning Hass (nickname to protect the innocent?)was clearly unfocused. I knew she would have challenges this morning. After turning on the timer -- if she beats the timer, she's rewarded--I went back to my room. I heard a strange noise, one clearly not part of the morning dressing routine. "What are you doing Hass?" Clipping the thorns off my roses. She had an excellent guitar performance Saturday prior to going to NY and her brother and Dad got her roses. "Get dressed," I said in no uncertain terms. "OK," but I knew she wasn't on track. When I came in the room she was on the floor doing I don't know what. She only had her socks on and still her nightgown. Of course, I laid down the law. She wasn't able to wear the "cute" outfit we had gotten together the night before. She got herself together and by Dad's reports, did well upon going downstairs to eat. She redeemed herself and was able to change and wear the outfit she wanted.

A day in the life of Hass is never dull.

Love you Girl!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Urgh, My Tummy!

My God sister, niece, God mom and I had dinner together last night. The food was okay, but most importantly, we had a great time. Today I'm sick. My stomach hurts and I feel very nauseous. Still it was all worth it. Shout out to Deb for taking Tee for me! I've been shying away from the news. I'm tired of hearing about the Democratic nomination practice. I don't have the stomach for it. I am happy that the Sixers have been doing there thing. Anyway, all of you folks home from college, congratulations on completing another year. And for Michael, congrats on your success at my undergrad Alma mater LU.

I have to say I was very proud of my daughter. She had her first guitar performance at Settlement yesterday. She did very well. Go Hass...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Day After

Okay, so Barack didn't win Pennsylvania--on to Indiana then. I still think he'll secure the nomination. I do think they need to take a good look at their campaign and do some minor adjustments. I do wonder why the pundits harp on questioning his ability to win over blue-collar white voters, while they don't question Hillary's ability to win over African-American voters. Is it because the pundits take us for granted? They believe that if Hilary is the Nominee, we will automatically file suit. Will we?

The media has been really anti-Barack in the recent months. Hey, he will be truly tested by the time the General rolls around.

Check u on da next post!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Primary Election Day

My family and I went to the polls today. We think it's important to show our children the value and importance of voting. It was bit bittersweet, however. We had gotten news that the campaign didn't expect win. We were disheartened, but nonetheless, will dutifully watch the returns this evening.

I kinda feel like I'm in limbo--a limbo that will abruptly end around 8:30 pm this evening when the news outlets project a winner. I'm hoping that it is Senator Obama. Even if it isn't, for him to have come into this with a double digit deficit--and get really close, if not win--is a tremendous victory for Pennsylvania.

All of the hoopla around this primary was at first exciting, but the tactics I see folks resorting to to win are downright reprehensible. This election will probably be the subject of scores of political science classes around the country come next year. Heck, I would be interested in taking one.