Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mavericks or Intellectual Exterminators

As you may may have noticed in my last entry, I think a United States led by the McCain/Palin Mavericks will be a bleak place to live for anyone who has been encouraged to think on his or her own. The notion that being a "smart" or "intellectual" person is a bad thing, to me, wreaks of pre-Stalin Russia, pre-Hitler Germany, and every other country changed by paranoid extremists. Soon after entering office, each of these administrations adopted an anti-intellectual policy. After these so called mavericks took over, doctors, lawyers, artists, philosophers--anyone with an original thought--were targeted for extermination.

This is serious people. Look back at your history, especially people of African descent. Remember, being called an uppity black person in the not to distant past meant a visit from the local KKK chapter--and I don't mean Kappa, Kappa, Kappa.

McCain and Palin say they represent change, but so did the Khmer Rouge.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brave New World: An Opinionated Short Story

"Put that down now," Lucresia said to her five year-old daughter Maysa, abruptly grabbing the November 5, 2008 edition of The New York Times. "No one must see you reading and especially that," she said as the two waited patiently for their weekly food rations. It was Tuesday when all Philadelphia residents with last names beginning with the letters K through P, collected their rations. Lucresia's family rations were dropped at the center between 9 and 11 pm. Lucresia didn't complain. After all, at least the family received relatively clean water and flour for bread. Late night rations were left for those considered intellectuals--anyone with a reading level above third grade. This was the group treated most inequitably by The Administration for the past seven years.

Maysa had been born before The Administration took over. In fact, her mother at one time had great hopes for her future, but the Mavericks changed all of that.....